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Enjoy Real Chess in Stunning 3D Graphics and Sound Effects


Real Chess: What Is It and How to Play It

Chess is one of the oldest and most popular board games in the world. It is a game of strategy, logic, and skill that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. But what is real chess, and how is it different from other forms of chess?

real chess

Real chess, also known as classical chess or standard chess, is the most widely played and recognized version of chess. It follows the official rules and regulations set by the World Chess Federation (FIDE), the governing body of international chess. Real chess has a rich history that dates back to over a thousand years ago, when it originated from an ancient Indian game called chaturanga.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about real chess, including its benefits, rules, strategies, and resources. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something useful and interesting in this guide. So, let's get started!

The Benefits of Playing Real Chess

Real chess is not only a fun and challenging game, but also a great way to improve your mental and physical health. Here are some of the benefits of playing real chess:

Improve your cognitive skills and memory

Real chess requires you to think critically, analytically, and creatively. You have to plan ahead, calculate variations, evaluate positions, and make decisions under pressure. These skills can help you in many aspects of life, such as education, work, and personal development. Playing real chess can also enhance your memory, as you have to remember the rules, the moves, the patterns, and the names of famous players and games.

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Enhance your creativity and problem-solving abilities

Real chess is a game of infinite possibilities. There are more potential moves in a game of chess than there are atoms in the observable universe. This means that you can always find new and original ways to play and win. Playing real chess can stimulate your imagination and spark your creativity. It can also help you develop your problem-solving abilities, as you have to overcome obstacles, find solutions, and learn from your mistakes.

Boost your social and emotional well-being

Real chess is a social game that can connect you with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and generations. You can play with your friends, family, or strangers online or offline. You can also join clubs, communities, or tournaments where you can meet new people, make friends, and have fun. Playing real chess can also improve your emotional well-being, as it can reduce stress, increase confidence, and foster sportsmanship.

<h The Rules of Real Chess

Real chess is played on a square board with 64 squares of alternating colors, usually black and white. Each player has 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces are arranged on the first and eighth ranks (rows) as shown in the diagram below:

The goal of real chess is to checkmate the opponent's king, which means to attack it with one or more pieces in such a way that it cannot escape, move, or be protected. The game can also end in a draw, which means that neither player can win, for various reasons such as stalemate, insufficient material, or mutual agreement.

The board and the pieces

The board is divided into columns (called files), rows (called ranks), and diagonals. The squares are named according to their file and rank, for example, the square in the lower left corner is called a1, and the square in the upper right corner is called h8. The center of the board is usually the most important and contested area, as it allows more space and mobility for the pieces.

The pieces have different values, abilities, and movements. The king is the most valuable and vital piece, as losing it means losing the game. It can move one square in any direction, as long as it does not move into check (under attack by an enemy piece). The queen is the most powerful and versatile piece, as it can move any number of squares along a file, rank, or diagonal. The rook can move any number of squares along a file or rank. The bishop can move any number of squares along a diagonal. The knight can move two squares horizontally and one square vertically, or vice versa, in an L-shaped pattern. It is the only piece that can jump over other pieces. The pawn can move one square forward, or two squares on its first move. It can capture an enemy piece by moving one square diagonally forward. If a pawn reaches the last rank of the board, it can promote to any other piece except a king.

The moves and the captures

A move consists of moving one piece from its original square to another square, following the rules of movement for that piece. A player can only move one piece per turn, except for castling (see below). A move can be either a quiet move or a capture. A quiet move is when a piece moves to an empty square. A capture is when a piece moves to a square occupied by an enemy piece and removes it from the board.

There are some special rules for certain moves and captures. One is called en passant, which means "in passing" in French. It occurs when a pawn moves two squares forward on its first move, and an enemy pawn on an adjacent file could have captured it if it had moved only one square. In this case, the enemy pawn can capture the first pawn as if it had moved only one square, but only on the next move. This is an example of en passant:

Another special rule is called castling, which involves moving both the king and one of the rooks at the same time. Castling can only be done if neither the king nor the rook has moved before, if there are no pieces between them, and if the king is not in check or does not pass through or end up in a square that is under attack by an enemy piece. Castling results in the king moving two squares towards the rook, and the rook moving to the square that the king crossed over. There are two types of castling: kingside (or short) castling and queenside (or long) castling. This is how they look like:

The special moves and the conditions for winning

There are some special moves that can affect the outcome of the game. One is called check, which is when a piece attacks the enemy king. The player who is in check must get out of it by either moving the king to a safe square, capturing the attacking piece, or blocking the attack with another piece. If If the player who is in check cannot get out of it by any legal move, then it is called checkmate, and the game is over. The player who delivers checkmate wins the game. This is an example of checkmate:

Another special move is called stalemate, which is when a player has no legal move, but is not in check. In this case, the game is a draw, which means that neither player wins or loses. This is an example of stalemate:

There are other ways that a game can end in a draw, such as by agreement, by repetition, by the 50-move rule, or by insufficient material. A draw by agreement is when both players agree to end the game as a draw at any point. A draw by repetition is when the same position occurs three times with the same player to move. A draw by the 50-move rule is when no pawn has moved and no capture has been made in the last 50 moves by each player. A draw by insufficient material is when neither player has enough pieces to deliver checkmate, such as when there is only a king versus a king, or a king and a bishop versus a king.

The Strategies of Real Chess

Real chess is not only a game of rules, but also a game of skills. To play real chess well, you need to master some basic principles and techniques that can help you gain an advantage over your opponent. Here are some of the strategies of real chess:

The opening principles and the common openings

The opening is the first phase of the game, where both players try to develop their pieces and control the center of the board. The opening usually lasts for about 10 to 20 moves, depending on the style and preference of the players. There are some general principles that can guide you in choosing your opening moves, such as:

  • Move your center pawns (e4, e5, d4, d5) to gain space and influence.

  • Move your knights (Nf3, Nc3, Nf6, Nc6) and bishops (Bc4, Bb5, Bg5, Bf4, Bc5, Bb4, Bg4, Bf5) to active squares where they can attack or defend.

  • Castle your king (O-O or O-O-O) to protect it and connect your rooks.

  • Don't move the same piece twice in the opening unless necessary.

  • Don't bring your queen out too early or too far.

  • Don't neglect your development or waste time on unnecessary moves.

There are many specific openings that have been studied and named by chess experts over the years. Some of the most common and popular openings are:


Ruy Lopez (or Spanish Game)e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5A classical opening that aims to pressure the black e-pawn and weaken the black kingside.

Sicilian Defensee4 c5A sharp and dynamic opening that challenges white's control of the center and creates an asymmetrical position.

French Defensee4 e6A solid and strategic opening that blocks the white e-pawn and creates a pawn chain on the queenside.

Caro-Kann Defensee4 c6A similar opening to the French Defense, but with more flexibility for the black bishop on the kingside.

Queen's Gambitd4 d5 c4A classical opening that offers a pawn sacrifice to gain space and initiative on the queenside.

King's Indian Defensed4 Nf6 c4 g6A hypermodern opening that allows white to occupy the center with pawns, while black prepares a counterattack with fianchettoed bishops and pawns.

Nimzo-Indian Defensed4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4A flexible and positional opening that pins the white knight and creates pressure on the white center.

Grunfeld Defensed4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5A dynamic and tactical opening that sacrifices a pawn to open lines for the black pieces and attack the white center.

Of course, these are only some of the many possible openings that you can play or encounter in real chess. You can learn more about them by reading books, watching videos, or using online tools.

The middlegame tactics and the typical patterns

The middlegame is the second phase of the game, where both players try to gain an advantage by attacking, defending, or maneuvering their pieces. The middlegame usually lasts for about 20 to 40 moves, depending on the complexity and intensity of the position. There are some general principles that can guide you in choosing your middlegame moves, such as:

  • Follow the basic principles of chess: control the center, develop your pieces, protect your king, and coordinate your forces.

  • Look for tactical opportunities: forks, pins, skewers, double attacks, discoveries, checks, captures, and mates.

  • Calculate the consequences: visualize the possible moves and responses, evaluate the resulting positions, and choose the best option.

  • Plan your strategy: identify your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your opponent's, and decide on a long-term goal and a short-term plan to achieve it.

  • Improve your position: make small but useful moves that increase your activity, space, or harmony, or reduce your opponent's.

There are many specific tactics and patterns that you can use or recognize in the middlegame. Some of the most common and important ones are:


ForkA move that attacks two or more enemy pieces at the same time.Nd5 forks the black queen and rook.

PinA move that prevents an enemy piece from moving because it would expose a more valuable piece behind it.Bg5 pins the black knight to the queen.

SkewerA move that attacks a more valuable piece behind a less valuable piece.Rd8 skewers the black queen behind the rook.

Double attackA move that creates two threats at the same time.Qf3 double attacks the black pawn on f7 and the rook on a8.

DiscoveryA move that unleashes an attack by moving a piece out of the way of another piece.Nf6+ discovers an attack on the black queen by the bishop.

CheckA move that attacks the enemy king.Bc4+ checks the black king.

CaptureA move that removes an enemy piece from the board.Qxb7 captures the black pawn.

MateA move that checkmates the enemy king.Qf7# mates the black king.

Of course, these are only some of the many possible tactics and patterns that you can play or encounter in the middlegame. You can learn more about them by solving puzzles, analyzing games, or using online tools.

The endgame techniques and the essential checkmates

The endgame is the final phase of the game, where both players have few pieces left and try to deliver checkmate or achieve a draw. The endgame usually lasts for about 10 to 20 moves, depending on the material and the situation. There are some general principles that can guide you in choosing your endgame moves, such as:

  • Activate your king: use your king as an offensive and defensive weapon, as it is less vulnerable in the endgame than in the middlegame.

  • Use your pawns: advance your pawns to create threats, promote them to stronger pieces, or sacrifice them to gain an advantage.

  • Coordinate your pieces: work with your remaining pieces to create harmony, pressure, and checkmate possibilities.

  • Simplify the position: exchange pieces when you are ahead in material, or avoid exchanges when you are behind or have a better position.

  • Know the basic endings: study and memorize the most common and important endgame positions and techniques.

There are many specific techniques and checkmates that you can use or recognize in the endgame. Some of the most common and essential ones are:


King and pawn versus kingAn endgame where one side has a king and a pawn, and the other side has only a king. The side with the pawn usually wins if the pawn can reach the last rank and promote, or if the king can support the pawn and prevent the enemy king from stopping it.The white king and pawn win by reaching the last rank and promoting to a queen.

King and queen versus kingAn endgame where one side has a king and a queen, and the other side has only a king. The side with the queen always wins by using the queen to check and drive the enemy king to the edge of the board, where it can be checkmated.The white king and queen win by checkmating the black king on the edge of the board.

King and rook versus kingAn endgame where one side has a king and a rook, and the other side has only a king. The side with the rook always wins by using the rook to cut off and drive the enemy king to the edge of the board, where it can be checkmated.The white king and rook win by checkmating the black king on the edge of the board.

King and two bishops versus kingAn endgame where one side has a king and two bishops, and the other side has only a king. The side with the bishops always wins by using the bishops to control opposite-colored squares and drive the enemy king to a corner of their color, where it can be checkmated.The white king and bishops win by checkmating the black king in the corner of their color.

King and bishop versus kingAn endgame where one side has a king and a bishop, and the other side has only a king. The side with the bishop can never win, as it cannot force the enemy king to a corner of its color. The game is a draw, unless the side with the king blunders and allows a checkmate.The white king and bishop cannot win, as they cannot drive the black king to a light-colored corner. The game is a draw.

King and knight versus kingAn endgame where one side has a king and a knight, and the other side has only a king. The side with the knight can never win, as it cannot checkmate the enemy king with only a knight. The game is a draw, unless the side with the king blunders and allows a checkmate.The white king and knight cannot win, as they cannot checkmate the black king with only a knight. The game is a draw.

Of course, these are only some of the many possible techniques and checkmates that you can play or encounter in the endgame. You can learn more about them by studying books, watching videos, or using online tools.

The Resources of Real Chess

Real chess is a vast and fascinating subject that can be explored and enjoyed in many ways. There are many resources that can help you learn, practice, and improve your real chess skills. Here are some of the resources of real chess:

The best books and websites for learning real chess

There are countless books and websites that can teach you the basics and advanced concepts of real chess. Some of the best ones are:

  • by Patrick Wolff: A beginner-friendly book that covers everything from the rules and moves to the strategies and tactics of real chess.

  • by Irving Chernev: A classic book that explains every move of 33 master games in an easy and instructive way.

  • : A popular website that offers free lessons, articles, videos, puzzles, and games for players of all levels.

  • : A free and open-source website that provides online play, analysis, tournaments, and training tools for real chess enthusiasts.

The best apps and games for playing real chess online

There are many apps and games that can let you play real chess online with other players or against artificial intelligence. Some of the best ones are:

  • : A free app that allows you to play real chess online or offline, with millions of players or against powerful computer opponents.

  • : A premium app that gives you access to live broadcasts, video series, interactive courses, and online play with grandmasters and experts.

  • : A classic game that features thousands of puzzles, lessons, drills, and matches with different levels of difficulty and personality.

  • : A fun game that animates the pieces in 3D and adds humor and violence to the real chess moves.

The best clubs and tournaments for playing real chess offline

There are many clubs and tournaments that can let you play real chess offline with other players in person. Some of the best ones are:

  • : The official governing body of chess in the United States, which organizes national championships, ratings, events, and clubs for real chess players.

  • : The international organization that regulates world championships, ratings, rules, and titles for real chess players.

  • : The most prestigious tournament in real chess, where the best players compete for the title of World Champion every two years.

  • : A biennial team event in real chess, where national teams from around the world compete for medals and glory.

Conclusion: Real Chess Is a Fun and Rewarding Hobby

Real chess is a game that can offer you many benefits, challenges, and joys. It can improve your mind, body, and soul, as well as connect you with others who share your passion. It can also teach you valuable lessons about life, such as patience, perseverance, and humility.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, there is always something new and exciting to learn and discover in real chess. You can use the resources that we have provided in this article to help you along your journey. You can also find your own ways to enjoy and improve your real chess skills.

The most important thing is to have fun and love the game. Real chess is not only a hobby, but also a lifestyle. It can enrich your life in many ways, and make you a better person. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a board, a set of pieces, and a friend, and start playing real chess today!

FAQs About Real Chess

How long does a game of real chess last?

A game of real chess can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the level of the players, the time control, and the outcome of the game. A typical game of real chess lasts for about 40 moves, which can take about an hour to play. However, some games can end sooner or later, depending on the skill and style of the players.

How can I improve my real chess rating?

Your real chess rating is a numerical measure of your playing strength, based on your performance in rated games. The higher your rating, the better you are. To improve your real chess rating, you need to practice regularly, study the theory and practice of the game, analyze your games and learn from your mistakes, and play against stronger opponents who can challenge you and help you grow.

What are the differences between real chess and other variants of chess?

Real chess is the most widely played and recognized version of chess, but it is not the only one. There are many other variants of chess that have different rules, pieces, boards, or objectives. Some of the most popular variants of chess are:

  • Blitz chess: A fast-paced version of real chess where each player has a limited amount of time (usually 5 minutes or less) to make all their moves.

  • Bughouse chess: A team version of real chess where two players on each team play on separate boards, and can capture pieces from their partner's board.

  • Crazyhouse chess: A variant of bughouse chess where each player can place captured pieces on their own board as their own pieces.

  • Chess960: A variant of real chess where the initial position of the pieces on the first rank is randomized, resulting in 960 possible starting positions.

  • Three-check chess: A variant of real chess where the goal is to check the enemy king three times instead of checkmating it.

Who are the best real chess players in history?

There have been many great real chess players throughout history, who have contributed to the development and popularity of the game. Some of the most famous and influential ones are:

  • Garry Kasparov: A Russian grandmaster who was the World Champion from 1985 to 2000, and is widely considered to be the greatest player of all time.

  • Magnus Carlsen: A Norwegian grandmaster who is the current World Champion since 2013, and has the highest rating ever recorded.

  • Bobby Fischer: An American grandmaster who was the World Champion from 1972 to 1975, and is regarded as one of the most brilliant and controversial players ever.

  • Judit Polgar: A Hungarian grandmaster who is the strongest female player in history, and has defeated many top male players.

  • Vishy Anand: An Indian grandmaster who was the World Champion from 2007 to 2013, and is known for his speed and versatility.

Where can I find more information about real chess?

If you want to learn more about real chess, there are many sources that can provide you with more information. Some of them are:

  • : The official source of rules and regulations for real chess by the World Chess Federation.

  • : The largest online database of real chess games by professional and amateur players.

  • : A blog that features news, articles, tips, and stories about real chess by experts and enthusiasts.

  • : A podcast that features interviews, discussions, and stories about real chess by famous and interesting personalities.

  • : A YouTube channel that features videos, tutorials, and live streams about real chess by professional and entertaining hosts.

These are only some of the many resources that can help you learn more about real chess. You can also search for other sources online or offline, or ask other real chess players for their recommendations.

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new and useful about real chess. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to share them with me. I would love to hear from you and help you improve your real chess skills. Thank you for reading and happy playing! 44f88ac181

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